Sunday, January 30, 2011


It's quite clichéd to have such a title above. =.=

Well, as how it is titled, this is my introduction. I leave my Livejournal (that have only 2 posts) for the confusing segments it holds. And this blog is OFFICIALLY for my comic rental (business) service, besides the blog for my Instructional Technology (ohh), there's none for my private life.
I've lost, proudly to say, the concern of my FB after deactivating it for about a month now. And no, I don't have the desire to activate it back. (Nad, boleh tarik balik statement nak activate FB tak? >.<)

Having the guts to rent my precious treasure, I myself don't find it convincing especially in thought of how my things are going to be treated by other people. For the sake of money and new comics, I risk the other! The fliers are ready, and I'm drained to squeezed the extra information (about the blog mainly) as there's no space. 

Asking of did I have a lot of comics? I'll say no, that's why I started this business, I mean service. My friends used to shrug to each other when I'm buying a lot of comics, or when I spend money on Sailormoon box set! Yet I'm not an otaku. Dear beloved pals, I still have other obsession. I'm socializing (I think), I don't have a full list of Anime soundtracks in my MP3 (just a little), and when you ask of some random anime, there's a time I'll say, "I don't know that."

Just I hate when people misjudge my interest. So what if I'm not into bags and shoes? I do, actually, especially when they are cute, and red! >.<
If only those things cost only RM4.90 like Detective Conan.
I'm normal, still, I believe.

Comment: Having a new haircut won't harm. =.=
Comment: Downloading Detective Conan, 14/602. Can I make it throughout this week? >.<